
Transportation Information

Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) provides transportation as required for students living more than two miles from the zoned school. Per Florida Statute, bus stops will remain within 1.5 miles of a student's residence. Families will be contacted by the Transportation Department during the week of August 6 with school bus stop information.

Magnet School Transportation Information

Seminole County Public Schools maintains its commitment to provide magnet school transportation. The district continues to review its entire transportation system in order to improve efficiency and to reduce costs. Due to budget cuts many magnet stops have been consolidated to create more centralized common stops. Per Florida Statute, these stops will remain within 1.5 miles of a student's residence.

Ticket to Ride Transportation for Magnet Students

Through the 'Ticket to Ride' program, SCPS offers available seats at existing bus stops to transfer students who are otherwise ineligible for transportation to the requested school. Availability is determined by the SCPS Transportation Department. If seats are available, students are assigned by the Transportation Department to the closest existing stop to a family's residence that meets safety requirements. There is no guarantee that a 'Ticket to Ride' seat will be available. Students are required to reapply each year. Families who have submitted 'Ticket to Ride' applications will be contacted by the Transportation Department during the week of August 6 with school bus stop information.

Transportation Changes

Bus Transportation

If you need to request a change in transportation you need to fill out a Transportation Request Form available online or at school. This need for a change could be due to a recent move or a need to change a bus stop because of its location. Every time you move you need to fill out a transportation Request form so that your student can be assigned a bus. Please give completed form to Millennium to process the request.

Car Riders, Walkers, and Buses

If you need to change your child's method of transportation please send a note in with your child as to the change (ex. Student who normally rides a bus may be a car rider for a afternoon). Students are not allowed to change buses or ride a bus home with a friend. The bus drivers may not be able to accommodate more riders, the bus driver may not know the student riding her bus, and the students safety could be at risk. Students need to ride their assigned bus home on a daily basis

Seat Belts and Bus Riders

Bus drivers will be enforcing the state seat belt law on buses that are seat belt required (2002 models and and newer). Transportation has been on every bus and informed all students that if they do not wear their seat belts they will receive a referral. Also in the afternoon drivers are required to walk down the aisle to insure all students have put their seat belt on. If you have any questions please contact the school or the transportation department.

If you have any Transportation questions please contact the SCPS Transportation Department or the Transportation Contact at Millennium Mr. Gilmore Dean of Students at [email protected] or 407-320-6449.

Millennium Transportation Links

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